Friday, December 27, 2013

A bit of knitting


When I was in the UK this year I spent some time in the Lake District.  There were sheep everywhere, and I couldn’t resist picking up tufts of wool along the hedges and stone walls.  My sister showed me how to wash the wool, then she carded it, spun it, and plied it.  I came home with a tiny ball of “Hedgerow 2-ply".  The wool is probably from a breed of sheep called Herdwick – the wool tends to be rather coarse and scratchy.

A few weeks ago I found a simple lacy bookmark pattern and knit up the wool -- it made three little bookmarks.    Perhaps these need to be tacked onto pieces of felt to make them functional as bookmarks.  But whether they get used or not, they make nice reminders of a lovely holiday.

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1 comment:

Annieofbluegables said...

what a very clever thing to do!